For the male snake the tongue is both a sensory organ and a sensual organ 那一伸一缩的舌头好像随时都在准备攻击一样。
It is unrealistic for a neutral judge that what his sensory organs cannot experience 但是对于的中立裁判者来说,不能用自己感官去直接感知的对象都是不现实的。
The cortex is the decision - making organ of the body , receiving messages from all the sensory organs and initiating all voluntary action 由于语言在很多方面都有不同,即大脑左半球有着语言上的优势。
We ' re basically going to attach eyes , ears , and sensory organs to our computers and ask them to observe and manipulate the physical world on our behalf 简要地说,我们要给计算机装上眼睛、耳朵和感觉器官,让它们替我们观察和处理物质世界。
We ' re basically10 going to attach eyes , ears and sensory organs to our11 computers and ask them12 to observe and manipulate the physical world on our behalf 简要地说,我们要给计算机装上眼睛、耳朵和感觉器官,让机器替我们观察和处理物质世界。
Courseware cores in knowledge node , center which all sorts of teaching media pass the knowledge content in some field to learners by means of sensory organs 课件又以知识点为核心,各个媒体是以某个知识点为中心将知识内涵通过感觉器官传授给学习者的。
Together these sensory organs are supplied by more than 100 , 000 nerve fibers that carry information to the central nervous system and eventually to the highest mammalian processing center , the neocortex 共有10万条以上的神经纤维支援这些感觉器,把讯息传到中枢神经系统,最终抵达哺乳动物的最高层处理中心,即新大脑皮质。
Course contents ( containing practice period ) : introduction to the course ; basic function of cells ; breath ; blood ; blood circulation ; digesting and absorption ; energy metabolism and body temperature ; the excretion of kidney ; sensory organs ; nervous system ; endocrine system ; urogenital system ; physical constitution ; change of physiological function of human body in each sports stage ; lung ' s function measurement ; blood type test ; hemoglobin measurement ; auscultation of heart sounds ; measurement of blood pressure ; electrocardiogram measurement ; measurement of visual field ; measurement of body temperature ; cardiovascular function test before and after sport 课程内容(含实践活动) :绪论、细胞的基本功能、呼吸、血液、血液循环、消化与吸收、能量代谢和体温、肾脏的排泄、感觉器官、神经系统、内分泌、生殖、身体素质、运动各阶段人体生理功能的变化、肺功能测定、血型鉴定、血红蛋白测定、心音听诊、血压测定、心电图测定、视野测定、体温测定、运动前后心血管功能变化。
If we were to directly compare the sensitivity of both sensory organs using their ability to detect frequency bands pitch vs . color , the ear easily beats the eye : it can record a frequency range of approximately ten octaves , whereas the eye can barely handle one octave corresponding to the wavelength of visible light between approx 比起视力,我们的听力来的更灵敏。拿我们人体这两样感官视力和听力来做比较,两者都是接收信号光源及音源后解读,变成我们所能看到的颜色和音调。